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10 Steps to Prevent a Panic Attack


A panic attack is characterized by an onslaught of debilitating emotional and physiological symptoms. It may develop rapidly and seemingly out of nowhere. For this reason, panic attacks are terrifying and upsetting. 

The terror of a panic attack is absolute. People who have panic episodes often worry that they are dying. 

While very uncomfortable, panic episodes don’t pose any health risks. Your panic attacks are entirely self-inflicted. You can thus mitigate or even stop it. 

Fortunately, it is possible to recover from panic attacks and regain control of your life.

  • Panic attacks are self-inflicted and can be mitigated with the right strategies.
  • Deep breathing exercises help regulate the body’s response during a panic attack.
  • Magnesium, found in foods like dark chocolate, can help soothe the body during anxiety.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is highly effective in managing panic attacks and anxiety.
  • Listening to soothing music can quickly alter your mood and reduce panic attack symptoms.
  • Taking control during a panic attack by focusing on calming techniques can prevent escalation

How To Overcome Panic Attack?

People often have panic attacks, characterized by a rapid onset of intense fear and a loss of a sense of control, sometimes without apparent cause. 

The shortness of breath or other symptoms may make you fear you’re experiencing a cardiac arrest. 

Unpredictable panic episodes may majorly affect your everyday life, but there are strategies to cope with them. Contributing factors, such as stress and anxiety issues, are potentially treatable. 

Terror, bewilderment, nausea, shortness of breath, heavy sweating, rapid heart rate, and dizziness are all possible physical manifestations of a panic attack. Use these techniques to quickly and effectively put an end to a panic attack.

Reassure Yourself That Everything Is Going To Be Alright

When you have a panic attack, your biochemistry is just slightly wrong. If you freak out, the assault will be far worse. The faster the assault ends, the sooner you can calm down. 

You may get the chills or worry that you’re going to die. Keep yourself cool even if you’re feeling anxious about the situation. If raising your voice helps and no one has requested you to be quiet, do so.  

Think About Taking A Few Slow, Deep Breaths

 Regarding our physiology, we have total command over our breathing. Your breathing rate, depth, shallowness, and whether you choose to breathe are all within your control when you are awake. 

The key is to maintain command over your environment. Take long, deep, calm breaths through your nose. 

Just let out a long, gentle breath through your lips. Counting from one to five on each breath in and out might be a beneficial meditation technique for some individuals. Spend some time in meditation and rest. 

Deep breathing has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood by slowing the pulse rate.      

Try A Massage

Even if it’s inconvenient, try having someone touch your neck and shoulders. To begin, give your scalp a good massage. You can do it all by yourself. Aside from improving circulation in the head, massaging the scalp may also reduce stress on the shoulders and neck. Even though several civilizations have used massage therapy, you may be curious about the physiological effects beyond simple relaxation. 

Soft tissues and muscles’ gentle yet effective manipulation improves physical and emotional well-being. You may feel the after-effects of your massage for many days. Incorporate massages into your usual routine.

If the expense of a professional massage is out of your budget, you may have a friend or relative do it instead.     

Be Creative

Think about something soothing and enjoyable. When a panic attack is imminent, it might not be easy to think of anything encouraging to say.  

Get Up And Make Light Moves

The exercise will aid in getting rid of the chemicals that are causing anxiety. Roll your head, wrists, and ankles instead of doing exercise if you’re stuck somewhere that wouldn’t allow you to. 

The office stairs are also available for use. The vast majority of the building’s inhabitants make frequent use of the elevator.  

Time To Get Those Hands Toasty

Your hands may reveal your mental state by showing signs of tension. When experiencing a panic attack, warming your hands may help calm the biochemical storm. 

Warm your hands by soaking them in hot water or holding a hot beverage.

Unwind With Soothing Tunes

There are few things quicker than listening to the perfect music to alter your mood and biology. Make a playlist of at least ten songs you may listen to whenever you need peace. 

When experiencing a panic attack, putting on earbuds and listening to music might help. Be sure to take several deep, steady breaths.  

Take Some Magnesium

Magnesium has a very soothing impact on the human body. Get some magnesium in your diet. It is a pleasurable mineral to consume, and dark chocolate with high magnesium content is far more enjoyable than taking a tablet.  

Besides the magnesium benefits, taking an Epsom salt bath may help your body keep this mineral. 

The negative consequences of stress and hypomagnesemia are mutually reinforcing, suggesting a strong relationship between the two. Low magnesium levels might indeed be a sign of stress. Some examples include 

  • sensitivity to light or photophobia
  • pain and exhaustion (fibromyalgia, CFS),
  • stress (audiogenic, cold, physical), and
  • Anxiety (stress).

Fight Back And Take Control

A panic attack is a clear indication of anxiety. Preventing a panic attack by calming yourself down beforehand is much more realistic. Don’t let yourself spiral out of control; take charge now.     

Seek Counseling

People who have panic attacks or panic disorders typically find relief via cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other forms of counseling. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to help people deal with difficult or scary events by altering their perspectives and teaching them new skills. 

All these settings are available for cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals or groups, remotely or in person, for short or long periods. With exposure-based cognitive-behavioral therapy, you and your therapist gradually increase your exposure to stimuli known to bring on panic attacks. 

Some research suggests that CBT may affect the neural circuitry responsible for your panic attacks, not just your behavior.


Panic episodes are distressing and unpleasant. Heart palpitations, perspiration, trembling limbs, and trouble breathing are all signs. 

You may learn to manage your panic episodes and have your body functioning normally again. Your best bet is to take active measures to avoid panic episodes altogether. 

If you are experiencing a panic attack, it’s advisable to try some of the techniques mentioned above. It’s important to talk to a medical professional if you’re experiencing panic attacks. 

They can assist you in developing a plan that will help you deal with your symptoms and lessen the severity of the situation. Therapy, along with antidepressants is a possibility.

10 Steps to Prevent a Panic Attack

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