Cookie Policy - Healthiatric
We do our very best to offer visitors the information, resources, and motivation we think they will find helpful in order to fulfill our aim of helping everyone make healthy lifestyle choices. Despite our best efforts to offer accurate and enlightening knowledge, we are unable to and do not make any representations or warranties regarding the content on our website. You may verify all of the content on this website from other reliable sources to ensure the authenticity and reliability. Moreover, do not solely depend on the content from this website to treat a medical condition, discuss it with your doctor. Furthermore, you use our website, applications, and other features on your own will.
Healthiatrics disclaims all liability and accountability for any harm that may result with the usage of this website or any related website to which it may be linked. You use third-party websites on your own risk and are bound by their own terms and conditions of use.
This website is solely available for educational and informational reasons; it does not offer expert medical advice. Our information is not meant to be used as a replacement to expert medical treatment or diagnosis. Any modifications you will make to your lifestyle should be disclosed to your doctor, who should then discuss them with you. Do not postpone seeking medical attention or neglect medical help based on something you read on our website. If you experience a situation of emergency, you must rush to nearby medical facility to seek medical care or you may call 911. You entirely assume all risk if you decide to depend on any information provided here for educational purpose. Many of our doctors, fitness experts, nutritionists, and life coaches work independently and are employed by one or more organizations at a time. They are neither our employees nor agents on a long-term basis. We are not accountable for the care they deliver.
Unless explicitly mentioned, the material on our website is the exclusive property of Healthiatrics. Except as otherwise noted, written authorization is hereby provided to duplicate, distribute, and publish copies of the contents upon request. If you need further assistance on the topic, you may read our detailed Privacy Policy. You accept our terms and conditions by using this website, which Healthiatrics may occasionally update or add to. You should not visit this website if you do not accept the terms and conditions stated above.