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 All You Need to Avoid Premature Birth


A full-term pregnancy is thought to be optimum for your baby’s health. It lasts around forty weeks. Premature birth or early labor occurs when a woman’s womb cannot keep the baby inside it for some abnormal reason. Such oddities lead to premature birth.

Preterm births are defined as newborns born before thirty-seven weeks of gestation. These last few weeks spent within the mother’s womb are essential for an increase in weight and the complete maturation of several vital organs, including the brain and the lungs.

It harms the baby’s health since preterm newborns might suffer health problems that might last their entire lives. You can reduce the odds of preterm birth by taking the preceding preventative actions. 

Sometimes the chemical physiology of the mother’s body could not hold the baby for a longer or required time.

  • Babies born prematurely often have underdeveloped reflexes, making feeding more challenging initially.
  • Premature birth can impact the baby’s sensory development, including hearing and vision.
  • Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have a higher risk of preterm delivery.
  • Preterm infants may have difficulty regulating their body temperature due to insufficient fat stores.
  • Chronic maternal stress can affect hormonal balance, increasing the risk of early labor.
  • Premature babies are more likely to develop respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) due to immature lungs.

Potential Causes of Preterm Labor

It is not always possible to determine the precise reason for preterm delivery. The causes for preterm labor cannot be pinpointed many times. Several things raise the likelihood of a woman going into labor before her due date.

Gynecologists will tell you that there is no one explanation for this phenomenon. There might be several reasons for this. Having an infection in the vaginal area, diabetes or high blood pressure, chronic conditions, or a cavity in the uterus can lead to preterm labor. 

Several circumstances that increase the likelihood or risk factor of premature birth are described as follows:

History of Bearing Preterm Baby

If you have previously delivered a preterm baby, then maybe it can happen again. So, you should consult your doctor and take necessary precautions to avoid preterm birth complications.

Weak Mother

Mother’s health is the most vital factor during pregnancy. Weak mothers face many complications during pregnancy and labor. Weakness may lead to premature birth as well. 

Being underweight or overweight before pregnancy or during pregnancy may also give rise to serious health conditions during pregnancy and labor. 

Before their daughters get married, moms in their later years should begin providing them with meals rich in iron, calcium, and folate. The prevention of many illnesses is possible by eating a well-balanced diet. 

Uterine Issues

Several infections, including those of the urinary tract and the amniotic membrane, can be the cause. If a mother faces abnormalities of the uterus, it is called a congenital uterine abnormality. 

Cervix Issues

There are chances of premature birth or miscarriage if you have a compromised cervix. The cervix may be too weak to hold the big baby inside or may be short. In such cases, your doctor will go to stitch its mouth. It is called cervical cerclage.

A Small Period Between Two Pregnancies

Insufficient time passed between each new birth. A short period between pregnancies that is less than six months results in the loss.

Babies Conceived Through Artificial Means

Babies conceived via in vitro-fertilization or other artificial means may also have the potential of coming to the world before their proper time. Losing prior pregnancies or early rupture of the membranes may be some other causes of the mishap. 

Taking Recreational Drugs

Some women take recreational drugs throughout their pregnancy. This can damage the infant and potentially increase the chances of premature labor. Consumption of heroin, cannabis, cocaine, and other drugs can cause preterm birth. 

They include chemicals that might affect mood, impair judgment, and increase the odds of preterm birth. 


Bacterial, sexually transmitted, and airborne illnesses can all result in preterm delivery. These illnesses can impair the immune system’s function and negatively influence the newborn.

Preventive Measures

Regular Prenatal Checkups and Scans

When you’re pregnant, get in touch with your doctor frequently. Attend all prenatal checkups so that any oddness can be dealt with in time. This becomes more specific if you are a first-time mother or have a preterm birth history. 

Also, get screening tests to determine your and your baby’s health.

Keep Yourself Safe

Certain infections, particularly amniotic fluid and the lower genital tract, may cause premature birth. Try as much as possible to avoid infections. 

Keep yourself safe so that you should not catch infections and other diseases. Be careful when preparing, consuming, or storing food. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling food. Before consuming foods, always check the expiry date. Disinfect surfaces and utensils that have come into contact with raw fish or meat.

If you enjoy gardening, use decent-quality gloves while performing the activity. There can be a chance of little worms in the plants. Eventually, it would reach inside your body and may cause damage.  

Take Care While Eating

Avoid raw meat, seafood, and unpasteurized milk products. Shun contaminated food and bacteria-containing food since they can prove harmful to your baby’s health. Instead of processed and junk food, always opt for fresh homemade, simple food.

Avoid Stiff Drinks and Smoking

Do not consume alcohol, illicit drugs, or smoke. Alarmingly, alcohol can cause premature delivery or miscarriage. Therefore, pregnant women, especially those with already known problems or history, should be very cautious. 

Similarly, smoking, both active and passive, is harmful and sometimes results in some severe health conditions.

Stay Stress Free

Maintain a stress-free environment. Traumatic life experiences, such as losing a loved one or experiencing physical or verbal abuse at home, may also lead to mishaps. 

Sometimes, several unsuccessful prior pregnancies or abortions may cause a feeling of fright and apprehension. This increases stress, which can be dangerous.

Taking Prenatal Vitamins and Do Exercise

Prenatal vitamins should be taken regularly. Include yoga, walking, and other gentle activities in your schedule. It will improve your mental and physical fitness. During pregnancy, aim to gain not more than 15 to 20 kg of your weight. 

Avoid putting on extra weight. Do not do jobs that require you to stand for extended periods and do not stay in bed all day as well.


A birth is termed premature if it takes place before the 37th week of pregnancy. About forty weeks is the average duration of a healthy pregnancy. 

Women younger than 17 or older than 35 years and pregnant women have a greater risk of premature delivery than other women.

Preterm newborns could have more medical difficulties and might need to remain in the hospital for longer. There can be deteriorating effects of preterm birth on mothers. They may cause long-term health difficulties in infants, such as learning impairments or physical disabilities. There are many reasons, including the mother’s physical weakness, drug reactions, food allergy or reaction, or some temporary ailment.

Babies born prematurely need to be nursed regularly and at short intervals, and breastfeeding offers the best protection against intestinal infections in the infant. 

It is essential to remember that the mother’s condition may determine a generation’s health.

 All You Need to Avoid Premature Birth

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