How to Maintain Your Weight After Giving Birth
Achieving a healthy weight after giving birth is challenging. Caring for a baby, establishing a new routine, and healing after delivery may all be demanding. However, if you want to have more children in the future, go back to a healthy weight soon after giving birth so that you may face parenting with confidence.
Here, we’ll review some tried-and-true strategies for achieving your pre-pregnancy weight.
- Hormonal changes after childbirth can slow down metabolism, making it harder to lose weight.
- Postpartum weight loss may be faster for women who breastfeed exclusively for the first few months.
- Emotional support from family and friends can increase motivation to maintain a healthy weight.
- Taking short, brisk walks with your baby in a stroller can help improve cardiovascular health and aid in weight loss.
- High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way for new moms to burn fat efficiently in shorter time frames.
- Maintaining a consistent routine for eating and exercising can help women feel more in control of their postpartum body.
If you are a breastfed mother, feel lucky. Breastfeeding reduces about 500 calories daily, making it easier to lose weight after a baby’s birth. It’s essential to lose weight after delivery, but it does not allow undergoing strict dieting. It would help if you considered it with a healthy and balanced diet. If you are not breastfeeding, it won’t be easy to do this.
So, breastfeeding and balanced food intake are essential to lose weight after delivery. Despite that, nutritious food intake should be preferred first.
This is another best way to lose extra calories after the birth of a baby. It helps you lose fat rather than muscles. Give yourself the motivation to lose weight first. Once you feel ready to lose weight, go for it by eating a little less and giving yourself a move every day.
However, you might turn to strenuous exercise if you want to lose weight quickly. But this is not a healthy choice for you and your body. Do not undergo extreme physical activity. Walking with your baby around the block would be a great start.
Exercise and a little decrease in caloric intake will help you lose those last few pounds that refuse to go. It’s not a good choice to lose weight after pregnancy. Or you are putting your body under stress by adhering to a highly restrictive diet just after the baby’s birth. It would help if you aimed to lose roughly a pound every week, but you may discover that it comes off more quickly.
Being a mother requires a lot of stamina. Many people suggest walking for weight loss as it is not a hectic exercise, everyone can easily do it.
Is it a mystery how quickly celebrities get back into shape after giving birth? One of the most common reasons is their active participation in physical activities after pregnancy. Most celebrities lose up to 60 pounds in just a few days on account of this. It is not usually achievable in the brief span.
These people are very selective (almost obsessive) in the meals they consume. They can have a choice to hire nannies for baby care.
So, they could devote at least 3 to 4 hours a day or five to seven days a week to the regular fitness routine.
Eat to Lose Weight
These healthy eating tips will help you lose weight quickly after delivery.
- Never try to skip meals. Many women often forget to eat after the baby’s birth, so they lose energy this way. Meal skipping does not help you lose weight. Eat healthy foods to lose weight, but eat in recommended quantities.
- Divide your meals into smaller portions. Have 5 to 6 meals per day rather than 3. Add healthy snacks in between.
- Start your day with breakfast. It will help you feel charged throughout the day and won’t make you exhausted.
- Eat slowly and avoid overeating. Both ways can be a huge trouble for you.
- Choose snacks enriched with protein or fiber. Like, a slice of whole wheat bread with a boiled egg or apple slices with peanut butter. Take 12 cups of fluids per day.
- Keep a water bottle with you when you feed the baby. This way, you will remember to consume water when your baby will.
- Choose steamed or boiled food rather than fried food items.
- Avoid taking sugar and saturated fats.
- You can also consult a nutritionist to get a customized diet plan for weight loss.
Following these dietary measures will help you regain a healthy weight and lose the extra weight after baby birth.
Be Realistic
Complete physical recovery after pregnancy is improbable. There are several ways a woman’s body might change after giving birth. You might be more round in the stomach area, broader in the hips, and thicker around the waist.
So, make realistic expectations for this new physique.
Good Sleep
Although it may seem impossible to get a full night’s sleep with a baby waking you up at regular intervals, not getting enough sleep might make it more challenging to lose weight.
A study indicates that those women who slept less than five hours per night after giving birth were shown to gain weight—those who were less likely to achieve who slept 7 hours or more per night.
When you do not get enough sleep, you feel exhausted. At this stage, your body produces cortisol and other stress hormones that promote weight gain. When you have sleep deprivation, you feel tired, less interested in exercise, and lazy the whole day. So, it all comes up with negative consequences on body weight.
So, follow the advice of those who say, “sleep when your kid sleeps,” if you have heard it. Until your baby sleeps through the night, it is recommended that you get as many naps as possible throughout the day and go to bed early.
Ask for Help
Last but not least, if you are facing difficulties while losing postpartum weight, consult your physician and a dietician for help. Dietitian will give you a meal plan to shed extra calories. And the doctor will provide information about your ideal weight, how much you should lose, and when to exercise.
It’s essential to maintain an ideal weight after the baby’s birth. There are many exercises which will help you achieve this. Walking, jogging, yoga, and aerobics will help you shed extra pounds and feel good at the end of each day.
No doubt, the baby’s birth is an exhausting task, but regular exercise will help to provide you with the strength and stamina when you will need it the most. Most doctors suggest starting post-pregnancy exercise right after six weeks of delivery.
You can begin swimming and walking right after the baby’s birth and carry it from a slow to moderate to intense pace.
Shortly, it would help if you started exercising at a slow rate to ensure a safe pregnancy and prevent yourself from exhaustion.
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