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What Changes and Issues Does Pregnancy Cause in Women?


Pregnancy is a critical phase in the life of a woman. It is a natural process that proceeds naturally, and taking it as a normal part of life makes the complications easier. This process does not cause significant health problems, but its completion requires a lifestyle change.

A regular and healthy woman’s health improves significantly during pregnancy. Pregnancy enhances a woman’s hidden strengths and brings out her inner beauty. Every expectant mother needs to consider pregnancy a sacred duty. It is not a burden. It is a mercy. This is not a pain; it is a reward from God.

During this time, significant changes take place in the mother’s body. Restlessness can be annoying; the complaint of muscle spasms is irritating. 

All the complaints of pregnancy are minor and can be dealt with wisely.

  • Babies in the womb start to recognize their mother’s voice by the third trimester.
  • A woman’s heart enlarges slightly during pregnancy to pump extra blood for the baby.
  • Some women experience heightened senses, like smell and taste, during pregnancy due to hormonal shifts.
  • Hair often grows thicker and shinier during pregnancy, due to increased estrogen levels.
  • Pregnant women develop a temporary organ, the placenta, which acts as a life support system for the baby.
  • Morning sickness can sometimes indicate a higher chance of carrying a girl due to increased hormone levels.
  • Pregnant women can produce more saliva, a condition known as ptyalism gravidarum.

Dullness and Tanning of Skin

Women experience physical changes during pregnancy. With pregnancy, the color of different body parts darkens, in which black spots on the face are prominent. This makes women feel terrible, especially when they see them in the mirror. 

Expectant mothers should not worry because they will heal automatically after the baby’s birth. 

These changes result from hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, the color of warts and birthmarks on the body become darker after the third month.

Breast Changes

Changes in women’s body during pregnancy are inevitable. Pregnant women’s breasts undergo significant changes. For example, they become very sensitive. They develop pain and tenderness. Usually, their volume and size increases significantly.

All this is the consequence of hormonal changes the body undergoes. Or, it is suitable for pregnant women to wear loose cotton clothes to remain comfortable.  

Varicose Veins Prominence

Varicose veins are prominent in the legs during pregnancy and sometimes remain after delivery. These veins of the leg or feet take the dirty blood back to the heart for cleaning. In some women, taking back the blood from these veins slows down during pregnancy, due to which the blood accumulates in them. 

The valves of these veins become weak, and they expand like this. Because of pregnancy, the blood circulation in the legs also slows down, due to which these veins become swollen and prominent.

One of their remedies is to use special tight stockings. A pregnant lady should not stand in one place without movement. 

Keep moving and wandering here and there. Another important tip is to try not to sit for a longer time. Rather, lie down when you feel weary and need rest. While lying, keep your feet higher than your head at least once a day.

Gums Sensitivity

Because of changes in the body during pregnancy, the gums become soft or squishy. This causes them to become infected and bleed, resulting in loose and weak teeth. Of course, you know germs grow in the layer of enamel (plaque) that accumulates on the teeth. 

The number of germs increases from the particles of food left in the teeth, especially by eating sweet things. They grow because the sweetness is their food. Eating fewer sweets also reduces their number.

Brushing the teeth after every meal with an excellent soft toothbrush is a good and effective way to protect against plaque. It is advisable to mix equal amounts of table salt and baking soda in a bottle. Put them on a wet brush. 

Adding alum will make it more effective and keep the gum fibers strong, making it even more helpful.

In the same way, teeth and gums can be kept safe by rinsing and gargling thoroughly with salted water after every meal. Here, soft branches of neem and acacia are available. 

Use them as a toothbrush that is very effective for solid teeth and gums.

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea sometimes occurs as morning sickness. During early pregnancy, it may be a favorable indicator. Women who experience nausea and vomiting during their first trimester have a decreased chance of miscarriage than those who do not have these symptoms.

According to research, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy may be caused by the effects of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). It is a hormone produced by the placenta. CG production in pregnant women begins immediately after a fertilized egg adheres to the uterine lining.

Women expecting twins or multiples have greater HCG levels and are more prone to morning sickness. 

Similarly, estrogen, another hormone that rises during pregnancy, is linked to an increase in the intensity of nausea and vomiting.


Women experience many internal body changes during pregnancy as well. Constipation can be caused by those changes. Constipation is called the root of many diseases. If a pregnant woman becomes constipated, she should be treated immediately.

In the last days of pregnancy, the complaint of constipation often bothers pregnant women. This issue can be solved by increasing fiber intake. It includes vegetables, lentils, whole grains, wheat porridge, seeds, oats, nuts, etc. 

However, laxatives can be taken if the situation persists. ispaghol or psyllium husk is a helpful home remedy. Mix one spoon of ispaghol in a glass of water and drink it.

In the worst situation, enema injections can sometimes get rid of the agony.  


There is a lot of pain in the muscles of the legs during pregnancy. The main reason for this is the slow blood circulation in the muscles. In addition, the cramps come from the lack of calcium in the diet and the lack of vitamin B. 

Massaging the affected muscles or stretching the leg and turning the paw inward also gives relief. Turning the paw inward with the help of someone also relieves the pain. The pain continues as the spasm ends.

This pain is usually worse at night during sleep, so a hot water bottle can also help.

As a dietary strategy, milk should be increased to get more calcium from food. In addition, eating curd, buttermilk and cheese is also helpful. Apart from them, eating radish, turnip, cabbage, fenugreek greens, coriander, and mint can also be beneficial.

Sleeping Disorders

In pregnancy, women suffer from sleeping disorders as well. Especially since the first trimester is sleep-inducing, and the mother keeps taking unintended naps. 

Complete and deep sleep is crucial during pregnancy. Sleep relieves the tiredness of pregnant women during the day. Sleep is also essential for the development of the baby. 

Sometimes the mother becomes a victim of sleeplessness. Because of the lack of sleep, the strength of the body decreases, the face becomes weak; the head feels empty, the head hurts, the body remains sluggish, and the heart does not feel like doing anything. 

These conditions also have a terrible effect on the child, but sleeping pills should not be used for sleep because they harm health. If you cannot sleep, read an excellent purposeful book or watch a TV program. 

Drinking warm milk also often leads to good sleep.


A variety of circumstances causes back discomfort during pregnancy. At the outset of pregnancy, some women have lower back pain. Women who are overweight or have experienced back pain before pregnancy are more likely to experience back pain during pregnancy.

The following are some reasons for back pain or discomfort during pregnancy:

Hormonal fluctuations

Hormones released during pregnancy cause ligaments in the pelvic area to soften and joints to relax to prepare for delivery. This shift in joints and loosening of ligaments may disrupt the support your back typically receives.

Belly carrying weight

Your growing pregnancy and infant add to the weight your back must sustain.


Because stress accumulates in vulnerable regions of the body, you may notice an increase in back pain during stressful stages of your pregnancy because of changes in your pelvic area.

Position or posture

Poor posture, prolonged standing, and bending over can all contribute to or exacerbate back discomfort.

Change of posture

As your uterus and baby expand, your posture changes with an inward bent. This is your center of gravity, and a disturbance causes your back to ache.

How to Minimize Your Backache?

Although back discomfort cannot be avoided, there is some special care you may do to decrease the intensity or frequency. Here are a few things you can do to ease your back pain:

  • Instead of leaning over, squat to pick up something.
  • Use exercises recommended by your doctor to support and strengthen your back and abdomen.
  • High heels and shoes that do not give support should be avoided.
  • While you sleep, turn towards any of the two sides.
  • Wear a waist support belt across your lower abdomen.
  • Consider seeing a chiropractor.
  • Get enough rest. Elevating your feet is also beneficial to your back.

Heartburn and Indigestion

Heartburn ensues when the valve between the stomach and the esophagus cannot prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus. During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone relaxes the valve, increasing the frequency of heartburn. 

This permits stomach acid to irritate the lining of the esophagus.

Because the developing uterus puts pressure on the intestines and stomach, heartburn and indigestion are more frequent during the third trimester. The strain on the stomach may also cause contents to rise back into the esophagus. 

In order to avoid acidity and additional conditions, follow these tips: 

  • Instead of taking three substantial meals, eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Wait an hour after eating before lying down.
  • Avoid meals that are hot, oily, or fatty.

If you have heartburn, there are a few natural ways to alleviate the symptoms:

  • Consume yogurt or a glass of milk.
  • A spoonful of honey in a glass of warm milk is a good starting point.


During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences specific biological changes. One of these is the production of comparatively more fluids to meet the demands of the developing baby. Retention of these fluids might induce swelling. 

Women also gain weight; approximately 25% of the weight upsurge is because of excess fluids. 

During this period, you may also have edema that is normal swelling in your legs, ankles, and feet. This is because water preservation occurs in the body. During pregnancy, almost all women face this problem.

The expanding uterus strains the pelvic veins and vena cava. Because of the pressure, blood circulation slows down in the legs, causing some of it to stagnate—this drives venous fluid into the tissues of the feet and ankles. 

The edema may become worse at the end of the day. The swelling, however, should quickly disappear after the delivery when the body eliminates all the fluids.


Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life. The feeling of carrying your baby inside your body is beyond expression. This is because a mother loves her child the most in the universe. Usually, the announcement of pregnancy makes the whole family happy. 

Along with all its beauty and ecstasy, some pregnancy problems may make your life challenging, making your pregnancy phase less joyful. You may feel a little uneasy as your body changes. Swollen body parts, nausea, weight gain, body aches, and tiredness are some potential sources of discomfort. 

Approximately all pregnant women suffer these anxieties. And after delivery, some women also have to deal with postpartum challenges.

However, pregnancy is not strange as women get pregnant from the first day of the creation of human life on earth. To pass this lovely phase of life in a usual way can make it much easier for the woman. 

Usually, most of the pregnancy problems could be solved at home by your mother’s experience.


What Changes and Issues Does Pregnancy Cause in Women?

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